My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I've read this book a number of times, so I do not have much to add this time around. I'm in a bullet point kind of mood, so here I go.
- It was shorter than I remember. I finished it in an afternoon this time.
- I didn't really get new info from this reading. A few details on the "rules" of a few baby steps, but by now I've basically got the plan down.
- So why did I read it? Two reasons. First, motivation. I've found myself slipping in the smart money choices area lately, and this was just what I needed to recommit. Second, I just read The Richest Man in Babylon, and while these books are more complimentary than competitors, I wanted the refresher to do a legit compare and contrast. In short, I feel that RMIB covers the salient points, including motivation, more completely. However, TMM gives the detail needed to really succeed at the baby steps in today's world. What TMM is missing is advice on what types of risk are worthwhile and when to take them. Rich dad Poor Dad is the other side of that coin, I think, so that is next on my list. It's been quite a while since I've read that one, so it is time.
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