
Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Hidden City by David Eddings

The Hidden City (The Tamuli, #3)The Hidden City by David Eddings
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Previous books in the series:
Domes of Fire
The Shinning Ones

It took me a year or so to read this book. It wasn't bad, but the whole series is just... dated. It is a mediocre classic fantasy book, displaying a lot of the features that have been the focus of writers to improve on in the last few decades. The plot was often predictable, the characters felt shallow at times, and the bad guys were just bad. It was in all ways a 3 star read.

So why did I read it? I just like a good classic fantasy from time to time. The escapism that draws fantasy readers is still there, even with the concerns. Keep expectations low, and go on a little journey to save the world with Sir Sparhawk and friends. Just don't take a year going about it.