
Sunday, December 31, 2017

Questions are the Answers: How to Get to 'Yes' in Network Marketing by Allan Pease

Questions are the Answers: How to Get to 'Yes' in Network MarketingQuestions are the Answers: How to Get to 'Yes' in Network Marketing by Allan Pease
My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I acquired this book years ago when I was going through a phase of joining Network Marketing companies. It had been years since my last reading, and I picked it up off of my book shelf to see if it was as good as I had remembered. I had remembered this book as a practical sales guide, specifically toward closing techniques. Sales training is a current problem at my day job, so I thought this little book might remind me of some good tips or best practices.

I was wrong. I was disappointed to see that this book was written more specifically for network marketers than I had remembered, and that much of the advice was really advice on conversation manipulation. It is this kind of manipulation that I think has given network marketers, and in some industries sales as a whole, a bad name. If I altruistically think of sales as a way to help people solve real problems with a useful product or service, manipulating them into a purchase does not seem right. Nor does it build a positive ongoing relationship with that person who sold me "dreams" instead of real solutions.

If you want a targeted treatment of tacky sales manipulation, without any greater context of how to really help someone with real problems by offering useful products or services, then this book is for you. Otherwise, I recommend not bothering with this one.