My review
rating: 3 of 5 stars
Somehow I missed whatever high school English class required this book, and since it was available on my phone, I began reading it. Wow. It was more intense than I suspected. I think what makes this book a classic, and what will keep it in classrooms for years to come, is that it inevitably prompts a discussion as to what your thoughts, beliefs and political views are.
So why only give it 3 stars? Yes, it starts a discussion, but as with so many things in life, that valuable discussion is left free to wander aimlessly without purpose. Our country could use some original politcal thought right now, not more random, aimless rhetoric by those hungry for more power. This book ultimately fails because it leads to discussion, yes, but resolution, no.
In the end the characters are defeated, their humanity stripped from them; they are, in a word, helpless. And yet this book leaves us in that same state. Angry, maybe. Talking, most likely. Empowered, or at least prone to some sort of action? No.
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